San Diego Convention Center Will Implement ESCA's WIS Badge Program

Instead of nine different credentials for workers to use in order to move around in the San Diego Convention Center, the venue now will have just one credential - the ESCA Exhibition Industry Worker Identification System WIS Badge.
“We are pleased to announce that the San Diego Convention Center is now the 17th U.S. venue to implement the ESCA Worker Identification System (WIS),” said Mitt Arnaudet, WIS National Administrator and ESCA Member Services Director.
He added, “We are in discussions with many other facilities and will be announcing the 18th venue later this month.”
ESCA is the Exhibition Services & Contractors Association and has instituted the WIS badge in several facilities across the United States.
“There are currently nine different credentials accepted for people working in the center and it leads to various problems that result in a negative impact to facility security,” said San Diego Convention Center Corp. officials. “Therefore, the SDCCC has begun to take steps to simplify this practice and bring us in line with other industry leaders as it relates to credentialing workers.”
The WIS badge will begin going into effect Aug. 1 at the San Diego Convention Center, according to SDCCC officials.
This new program will allow building officials to enhance the overall security of the center for its licensees and guests by drastically reducing the number of credentials accepted which will make security personnel much more effective at their jobs.
The WIS Badge not only is a proven system, as it is currently in use by sixteen (16) facilities nationwide, but each badge also is reasonably priced, costing about $18 for ESCA member full time employees and $25 for all others every three years, according to SDCCC officials.
In order to remain flexible during this transition, the SDCCC will continue to provide temporary photo ID badges at security at a cost of $5.
These badges will be good for the run of the event and will expire afterwards. This nominal fee is intended to encourage a move to the WIS Badge system and recuperate costs of materials and time for our staff.
Here are key dates in the transition process:
- Mid-June 2017: Letter notifications sent to all contractor partners and exhibitor appointed contractors EACs) after the official announcement
- July 1, 2017: Each worker who checks in at Security will be provided with informational handouts that contain WIS Badge information and frequently asked questions
- August 1, 2017: Convention Center Security will begin charging a $5 fee for each temporary contractor badge made.
- January 1, 2018: All contractors, suppliers, vendors, and EACs who work in the facility must be identified with the WIS Badge or the credential issued by the SDCCC.
All companies should go online to for a complete overview of the process involved in registering for the badges.

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