Always Wanted to be an ASAE Board Member? Now’s Your Chance!

Nominations are open for five available positions on the ASAE and ASAE Foundation Board of Directors. The organization is seeking diverse leadership as defined by race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, geographic location and professional level.
The board positions include secretary-treasurer and four at-large directors, with all directors serving on the ASAE Board and two of the four selected also serving on the ASAE Foundation Board.
“Participation as a member of the ASAE Board is not only valuable for your professional growth, but it is also an opportunity to use your experience and insight to move the association industry forward,” said Vicki Deal-Williams, chief staff officer for multicultural affairs at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
“I strongly encourage my fellow association professionals to apply or nominate a colleague,” she added.
There are many benefits to serving as a volunteer leader, according to ASAE officials, including playing a significant role in advancing the profession; enhancing the value of the organization; accessing up-to-date information about the challenges facing the industry, and exchanging ideas and perspectives with other volunteer leaders.
Applicants should possess the following qualities:
Demonstrated leadership commitment and involvement with ASAE and the ASAE Foundation and the nonprofit community. Examples include but are not limited to: service on an ASAE and ASAE Foundation committee, section council, commission, task force and/or obtained the CAE credential.
Recognized leader in the association community. Examples include but are not limited to: serving as chair of an Allied Society; ASAE and ASAE Foundation committee, section council, commission or task force, or philanthropic organizations.
Relevant expertise in the disciplines of organizational management. Examples include but are not limited to: branding, fundraising, component relations, finance, international and strategic alliances.
Commitment to participate in 3-4 board meetings a year. ASAE board members are asked to provide financial support to the Annual Giving, APAC, The Power of A and special events and/or campaigns.
Positive leadership attributes, emotional intelligence, ability to work collaboratively and engage in appropriate debate and discussion when needed.
Visionary and strategic thinker. Demonstrated ability of new and innovative programs within their sphere of influence. Examples include but are not limited to: incorporating strategy, leadership, future focus, risk-taking and an entrepreneur spirit.
To learn more, contact Jenna Worley, ASAE’s senior director of executive and board operations, at by April 26.
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