CEIR’s Silent Auction Opens with Trips to London, Monaco, Dallas Cowboys Game and More

Have you ever wanted to jet off to London and stay for a few nights? Or how about hobnobbing around Monaco during a four-night stay at the Fairmont Monte Carlo? If you’re more interested in staying local, there’s always a Dallas Cowboys football game and a round of golf too.
All of these experiences and many more items now are available as part of the Center for Exhibition Industry Research Foundation’s Silent Auction.
There are 60 items in all that include more industry-specific items like a 2014 Expo! Expo! IAEE's Annual Meeting Exhibition Full Registration and Hotel Package and the Exhibition Services & Contractors Association’s Summer Educational Conference Registration and Golf Tournament Package.
“Proceeds from the CEIR Foundation Online Auction will help CEIR to continue conducting great research validating the importance of exhibitions and other face-to-face events!,” said Cathy Breden, CEIR’s managing director.
Some of the research she added that was slated for 2014 includes Benchmarks for New Launch Events, Exhibit Booth Pricing Practices and a study analyzing how exhibition organizers are using analytics (Big Data) in customer growth and retention efforts.
CEIR also gathers data from the industry for its quarterly CEIR Index Report that tracks four different metrics, including attendance and net square footage, of shows.
Bidding for the auction is open until April 16th, so if you’re in the market for a Kindle Fire HD, some great family or event photography or a scrumptious dinner for two at the Metropolitan Club in Chicago – jump in and start bidding on the Silent Auction now!
TSNN is offering two items for the auction at a great deal – a banner ad in the ExpoFiles newsletter that goes to 60,000 subscribers and a skyscraper ad on the No. 1-ranked trade show industry new site.

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