#Expochat: Join Us Wednesday - Are You Leaning In? Can the Glass Ceiling Be Shattered?

We can talk all day about what the trade show industry and our employers are or are not doing to promote, protect, and compensate women (and we will), but are women doing enough to get the promotions, protections, and compensation that they deserve? Some women will say that we shouldn’t have to do anything, that equality is equality. Others might say that if anything is worth having, it’s worth working toward methodically.
There may also be a group of women that is simply happy with where they are and where they’re going. What about you? In this week’s discussion, Michelle Bruno will solicit commentary from both women and men on the topic of what women can and should do to shatter glass ceilings, get better pay, and write their own tickets in the tradeshow workplace. Are you in? Here are some questions:
When: Feb. 8, 1 p.m. ET
Where?: Use hashtag #Expochat and any Twitter chat tool! (Tweetchat, for example)
NEW: Come to the chat with questions about anything trade show related. We will use our community to address your issues or maybe even hook you up with some help.
Here Are Some Questions:
Why should we even have a discussion on women in the tradeshow workplace?
Women: What are the expectations that you have for promotions, protection, and compensation in your job?
Men: How do you actively work to promote, protect, and compensate women in your workplace?
Women: Describe the ways in which you are planning for long-term career growth in your company?
Men: How can women do a better job promoting, protecting, and compensating themselves?
Women and Men: What are the workplace-related topics for which you would like to actively advocate? (maternity leave, paternity leave, equal pay, family leave, women in leadership?)
Women: Do the various task forces, women’s organizations, diversity groups that exist in the industry and in companies do enough for you? why/why not?
Women: For the self-employeds, without a formal structure for promotion or compensation, how are your needs being met?
Women and Men: How are you staying informed about the ways to get ahead/promote women in the workplace?

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