Job Task Analysis Results Help ASAE Create Valuable Resources for the Association Community

The American Society of Association Executives conducted a Job Task Analysis last year that explored the core functional areas of association management.
The results of this work will help in developing a comprehensive Body of Knowledge for the association field and CAE content outline.
Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO) conducted the research, and the survey results confirmed identifiable competencies that reflect important elements of knowledge for those who work in associations.
The results also highlighted that professionals working in associations have a broad range of responsibilities that can be organized into strategic, applied, and foundational levels of application for purposes of understanding and acting upon individuals’ content needs.
The job task analysis, particularly the strategic-level view of functions, was used for refreshing the CAE content outline and exam for 2015.
In addition, ASAE has begun using the job task analysis as a framework for products, including the new ASAE Handbook of Professional Practices in Association Management, Third Edition and the CAE Study Guide 2015.
“Because association management skills must evolve in our ever-changing environment, it’s important for the community to remain aware and open to how these changes impact our organizations,” said ASAE President and CEO John H. Graham IV, FASAE, CAE.
He added, “By conducting a Job Task Analysis every couple of years, we will ensure our resources have the latest information for our member-serving associations.”
The new ASAE Handbook of Professional Practices in Association Management includes an additional emphasis given to the Chief Staff Executive (CSE) lens in each of the functional areas and the business acumen required to lead and manage associations. The third edition is dedicated to the Founding Executive Editor, John B. (Jack) Cox.
Both resources are co-published with John Wiley and Sons and are available online in ASAE’s Bookstore.

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