Join Us for #Expochat!: Is the U.S. Still Attractive to the International Market?

Is the U.S. still attractive to the international market? In the face of the current Administration’s “America First” policy, how are trade shows being affected?
Those are questions we’ll be asking on our next #Expochat, set for Sept. 12 at 1 p.m. ET. Join us for what is sure to be a lively Twitter discussion as we examine the repercussions of the U.S.’s strained ties with its traditional allies and trading partners and how it’s impacting the trade show industry.
During this week’s chat, Moderator Stephanie Selesnick will be asking the following questions:
- What is the current perception of the U.S. from abroad?
- Have you seen an uptick, downturn or no change in exhibitions this year from international exhibitors and visitors?
- Do you anticipate any changes in the next 6-12 months?
- Will a renegotiated NAFTA have any impact on our exhibitions? If so, what?
- Are the industries your trade shows serve being impacted by increased tariffs? (cancellations, downgrades)
- Have you had more challenges attracting international visitors? Have they had more issues receiving visas to attend your exhibitions?
- What are the U.S.-based exhibition and events associations doing to promote U.S. expos abroad?
Held most Wednesdays at 1 p.m. ET, #Expochat is an hour-long Twitter-based conversation covering top-of-mind topics related to the trade show industry. Sponsored by TSNN and alternately moderated by four industry thought leaders, including Stephanie Selesnick of International Trade Information; Terence Donnelly from Experient; Michelle Bruno of Bruno Group Signature Services and Michael Doane with CadmiumCD, #Expochat tackles a single topic each week – a recurring pain point, innovative ideas, evolution of the industry, best practices and what works or doesn’t work.
To participate, sign up on and follow the #Expochat hashtag at the appointed time. Questions will be identified as Q1, Q2, etc., and responses from participants should be written as A1, A2, etc. Twitter chat tools such as Tweetchat and others can make it easier to participate. Ideas are welcome on Expochat but commercialism is not.
Upcoming topics are listed in advance on our website and reminders will be tweeted out prior to each week’s discussion. If you miss a chat, transcripts will be available on after each chat. We gladly accept requests for topics by emailing Arlene Shows, TSNN marketing manager at
Join us for the best live conversations about the industry that signs your paycheck. Rants welcome!
To learn more about #Expochat and to view our past chats, go HERE.
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