Mexican Packaging Association (AMEE) Will Bring Conference Program to EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2013
PMMI, the owner and producer of the launch event EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2013, has secured AMEE, the Mexican Packaging Association,to provide education with a two-day, six-session conference program designed especially to meet the needs of businesses in Western Mexico.
“AMEE created the program to address changing trends and to strengthen Mexican firms with training and technological updates,” said Hiram Cruz Cortes, the newly-appointed director general of AMEE.
The goal of bringing the AMEE program to the event is “to further strengthen the commitment and enthusiasm AMEE has historically demonstrated for EXPO PACK and PMMI,” according to PMMI officials.
Mexico is among the top 10 buyers of machinery worldwide, and early estimates show that packaging machinery purchases will grow more than 10 percent in 2012.
This increase closely is related to the Mexican companies’ commitment to increase their competitiveness through innovation in their packaging designs.
“This program will give entrepreneurs of western Mexico an opportunity to complement the packaging and processing machinery, packaging materials and other technological solutions they see on the show floor with discussions of current challenges and market demands,” said Enrique Guzman, director of EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2013.
AMEE’s conference sessions will take place Feb. 28-March 1, the second and third days of EXPO PACK Guadalajara, which will be held Expo Guadalajara in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
“At the end of the two-day program, attendees will be able to identify key elements for adding value to their products and furthering their position in the minds of consumers,” Cruz said.
Conference sessions will cover control systems and traceability, beverage market trends, packaging machinery trends, innovation in packaging design, the role of new packaging materials in product safety and developments in flexible packaging.
“For more than 30 years, AMEE has supported the leading producers and suppliers of raw materials and packaging accessories in Mexico,” Guzman said.
He added, “We’re very pleased to have their support and expertise at EXPO PACK Guadalajara.”

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