Nearly 300 Brands Featured at “Best of British 2018”
Organised by Media 10, Best of British 2018 closed on 21st October at the Shanghai Exhibition Centre. Nearly 300 brands, covering British fashion, design, travel, education, technology, innovation, food and beverage products were showcased at the four-day show.
According to the organiser, 28,385 visitors attended the show, including 5,488 trade buyers and 5,747 VIP guests. The visitors experienced well-known British brands as well as new brands entering the Chinese market for the first time. The show was supported by: the British Consulate-General Shanghai, the Department for International Trade and the British Council. This year, it occupied an exhibition area of 12,000 m2.
Lexie Morris, Head of Retail and Consumer, British Government’s Department for International Trade, China, stated, “China is one of our most important partners in trade and business. With Chinese consumers becoming increasingly discerning, their interest in British products is greater than ever. The Department for International Trade is actively supporting British brands currently exporting or looking to export to the Chinese market, targeting China’s upper-middle class consumers. Best of British has been an excellent platform through which to offer British brands a comprehensive introduction to the Chinese retail landscape from both a business and consumer perspective. We have been very pleased with the results.”

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