Photos Get a Big Boost on Facebook
Last week, Facebook revealed a new look for news feed that lets users focus on specific content-type feeds. According to Facebook, the primary purpose of this exercise is to facilitate what Facebook calls a “richer, simpler” user experience over all devices, including desktop.
As part of these updates, photo and videos will now be given more real estate and will be shared with a bigger blurb. Additionally, photos linked to location check-ins will get more visibility and weightage.
These changes recognize the fact that photos are the entry point into most people’s Facebook experiences. Tagging and sharing of photos are popular activities on the platform.
Facebook is also improving the visibility of the trending content. If multiple friends share the same post, you’ll see their faces to the left of the post.
The Pages-only feed will also be more visible. On this screen, users will see all the updates from the Pages they Like they’ve subscribed to.
Marketers are enthusiastic about the latest round of changes because these should improve users Facebook experience overall, which in turn means more opportunities to market their brands to users over a longer span of time.

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