Professional Convention Management Association Releases 2016 Slate of Board Officers and Directors

The Professional Convention Management Association Nominating Committee, chaired by Johnnie White, 2014 past Chair of the Board, met Aug. 20 in Chicago and reviewed, in detail, a number of nominee applications for the 2016 open board officers and directions positions.
After careful due diligence and deliberation, the committee offers the following slate of candidates for leadership positions on the 2016 PCMA Board of Directors.
According to the PCMA Bylaws, this official announcement of the proposed slate is to be sent to the membership by Oct. 1.
The nominating process, according to the Bylaws (Article XII, Section 1(d)), allows for additional nominations for any officer or director position by members who submit a petition.
The petition is required to be signed by 5 percent of the members from the respective membership category appropriate to that position, and submitted to the president and CEO no later than the close of business Nov. 1.
If you are interested in submitting a petition, please contact Deborah Sexton, president and CEO, at 312.423.7262 or for petition details and procedures.
Unless there are additional petition nominations from the membership, the following officers and directors will be deemed elected and will take office immediately following the 60th PCMA annual meeting, Convening Leaders, in Vancouver, BC, on Jan. 14.
Convening Leaders takes place Jan. 10-13 in Vancouver and will be held at the Vancouver Convention Centre.
William F. Reed, FASAE, CMP
Senior Director of Meetings and Community Engagement
American Society of Hematology
Term: 2016
Mary Pat Heftman
Executive Vice President, Convention & Strategic Alliances
National Restaurant Association
Term: 2016
Claire Smith, CMP
Vice President, Sales & Marketing
Vancouver Convention Centre
Immediate Past Chair:
Raymond John Kopcinski, Sr., CMP
Senior Director
Million Dollar Round Table
Term: 2016
The following individual will begin serving three-year terms (2016-2018):
Tonya Almond, CMP
Vice President, Meetings & Continuing Education
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
Tamela D. Blalock, MTA, CMP
Director of Membership
National Association of Wholesale Distributors
Ben Hainsworth
Executive Director Associations
K.I.T. Group GmbH
Gary Murakami, GTP, GLP, CMP
Director, Global Sales
MGM Resorts International
Carol C. Wallace
President & CEO
San Diego Convention Center Corporation
The following individuals are currently serving terms as Directors:
George Aguel
President & CEO
Visit Orlando
Term: 2014-2016
Oscar Cerezales
Chief Operating Officer Asia Pacific
Group Director Association Relations
Term: 2014-2016
Nancy DeBrosse, CMP
Senior Vice President, Sales and Account Management
Experient, Inc.
Term: 2014-2016
Ann Godi, CMP
President & CEO
Benchmarc360, Inc.
Term: 2014-2016
Bill Grusich, CMP, FASAE
Senior Vice President
Associated Luxury Hotels International
Term: 2015 – 2017
Phelps R. Hope, CMP
Senior Vice President, Meetings & Expositions
Kellen Meetings
Term: 2015 - 2017
Kristin K. Mirabal, CMP
Director, Global Events
Association of Corporate Travel Executives
Term: 2014-2016
Kirsten Olean, CMP, CAE
Director of Meetings
American Society of Microbiology
Term: 2015 – 2017
David J. Olender
DMO Associates
Term: 2014-2016
Stuart L. Ruff, CMP
Director, Meetings, Exhibitions, & Events
RIMS – The Risk Management Society
Term: 2015 - 2017
Charles L. Starks
President & CEO
Music City Center
Term: 2015 - 2017

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