TSNN Webinar - Beyond the Hype: Discussing Effective Use of Trade Show Technology
The latest in a series of webinars on TSNN is "Beyond the Hype: Discussing Effective Use of Trade Show Technology", on tap May 21 at 1 p.m. EST. Please register HERE.
The use of technology in trade shows and expos has become ubiquitous. Event apps, paperless meetings, and social media walls are just par for the course. Our discussion in this webinar will be on the most effective ways to use technology at our trade shows and expos.
Our panelists will discuss how they are using technology to build community, to market to attendees and exhibitors, and to gain insights into their audience. We will also be taking a look at what benefits exhibitors are looking for when it comes to technology.
Join us as we push past shiny object syndrome and get into the nitty-gritty of how show organizers and exhibitors are using technology effectively.
Here are some of the takeaways:
· An understanding of what exhibitors consider a good investment
· Best practices for introducing new technology to your audience
· Ways to build community around your event
· Best practices for effective on-line advertising
The webinar will be moderated by Traci Browne, who spent the last 15 years in the trade show industry. Much of that time was spent teaching exhibitors how to get more from their trade show marketing dollars and teaching show producers how to structure their shows to make their attendees, sponsors and exhibitors happier.
She is the author of “The Social Trade Show - Leveraging Social Media and Virtual Events to Connect With Your Customers” Traci now spends her time working with clients as a content marketer, captivating her clients’ customers through story telling.
Guest Panelists include Serena Baker, Director of Conferences & Events at Staffing Industry Analysts, Rob Hiner, Creative Director at Performance Racing Industry & Betsy Earle, Creative Director at Event Driven Solutions.
The webinar is sponsored by Signature Boston/MCCA, MapYourShow and Onstream Media.

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