ASAE Unveils Stellar Line Up of Speakers for Annual Meeting

How to work with introverts and make decisions not based on personal biases are just two of the topics that will be tackled by keynote speakers at the American Society of Association Executives’ 2013 Annual Meeting & Exposition Aug. 3-6 in Atlanta.
ASAE’s opening general speaker Susan Cain, author of “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking”, will give advice on how to develop leaders, manage teams, make smart hires, and stimulate innovation, as well as how to structure an organization so the best ideas dominate, rather than those from the most vocal and assertive.
With one third to half of the world’s workforce comprised of introverts, it’s critical for organizations to learn how introverts think and work in ways that are crucial to the survival of today’s organization.
For the Closing General Session, Dan Heath, a senior fellow at Duke University’s CASE Center, as well as co-author of two New York Times bestsellers, “Made to Stick” and “Switch”, will discuss how our decisions are disrupted by an array of biases and irrationalities, and how we seek out information that supports us and downplays information that doesn’t.
He will introduce a four-step process designed to counteract these biases, share stories, and give attendees fresh strategies and practical tools that will enable them to make better choices.
“We wanted to focus on enhancing our members’ leadership skills as well as helping them find new creative and innovative ways to move their association to the next level,” said ASAE President & CEO John H. Graham IV, CAE.
He added, “Both Cain and Heath are dynamic, smart, strategic thinkers who will convey unique perspectives in how to manage leaders and think differently in how we make our decisions. These and other education sessions will provide attendees with an enlightening experience.”
There are even more speakers on tap who will take part in Game Changer sessions:
· Kat Cole, president of Cinnabon
· Bob Kupbens, vice president of Marketing & Digital Commerce for Delta
· John Spence, business thought leader and author of the book, “Awesomely Simple”
For more information on the more than 120 education sessions, registration, hotel and travel and networking events, please visit ASAE’s Web site.

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