IAEE’s Expo! Expo! Annual Meeting & Exhibition Encourages Attendees to “Go & Be”

With the call to action to “Go & Be” – whether it is creative, innovative or strategic – the International Association of Exhibitions & Events will kick off its Expo! Expo! Annual Meeting & Exhibition Dec. 9-11 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
“We hope that attendees take away the notion that IAEE is always pushing the envelope, looking ahead to provide new and innovative ways to make your individual shows better,” said IAEE President and CEO David DuBois.
He added, “We want our guests to have the full ‘Expo Expo Experience’, taking part in the new show features that encourage engagement, networking, and intimate learning experiences.”
This year’s show will feature once again a two-day exhibit floor, but it will look a little different.
“We have diagonal cross aisles and a boulevard aisle, affectionately termed ‘attendee disruptors’, to tie in the various experiences on the showfloor,” DuBois said.
New features to the event also will include the SwimUp TECHbar and sessions, Campfire sessions, the Meet Up Pavilion and GO & BE interactive Mega rooms.
“The GO & BE mega rooms are a significant addition to this year’s event, as they will feature themed programming to engage attendees in unique learning environments,” DuBois said.
He added, “Our goal is for attendees to walk away with their heads full of ideas to take back and implement at their own show(s). We’ve pushed the envelope this year with new ways to learn on and off the showfloor, engaging attendees in themed rooms, adding a unique scavenger hunt and even the showfloor design with diagonal cross aisles and a boulevard aisle, all creating the ‘Expo Expo Experience’.”
The three-day event will begin with CEM classes, several meetings for different groups, the charity “Gift of Service” event, the joint IAEE/SISO session and IAEE/NACS joint session and then the official Opening General Session and CEM Class of 2014 Presentation, featuring “How to Thrive Among the Chaos & Lessons of the World’s Most Innovative Companies” presented by Robert Safian, editor and managing director, Fast Company.
The day continues with the opening of the Expo! Expo! showfloor and the opening reception goes into the night at the adjacent L.A. Live.
Wednesday, Dec. 10 is another full day of education sessions with another general session – “Relationship Revolution: Building Better Connections in the Digital Age”, presented by Seth Mattison.
The showfloor opens up once again that afternoon with that night highlighting Global Experience Specialists’ Humanity Rocks: A Celebration with a Cause at the Conga Room.
Even more sessions are spread throughout the final day of the event with the IAEE Annual Networking Luncheon and Awards Presentation, in which individuals are honored. Later that afternoon is Expociety – IAEE’s Annual Closing Event at the JW Marriot Los Angeles.
For a full schedule click HERE and for sessions please click HERE.

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