TSNN Launches Online Global Trade Show Venue Directory

Trade Show News Network has unveiled the TSNN Global Trade Show Venue Directory (http://intlvenuedirectory.tsnn.com/), with more than 200 exhibit halls, convention centers and other facilities with exhibit space listed.
“Trade Show News Network is committed to providing valuable data for the industry,” said Rachel Wimberly, TSNN president and Editor-in-Chief. “We designed the TSNN Global Trade Show Venue Directory to be the go-to place to find the perfect venue for show organizers’ events.”
Complimentary to all users, the TSNN Global Trade Show Venue Directory is a comprehensive guide that is designed to assist trade show organizers, meetings and event planners to find the perfect venue for their events.
Sorted by several search categories, users of the TSNN Global Trade Show Venue Directory also have the ability to side-by-side compare different facilities based on different criteria, including exhibit and meeting space, and submit RFPs directly to a venue.
The directory has basic listings that are complimentary for all venues and enhanced listings available that have the ability to include photos, video, venue description, social media links, amenities, surrounding airport, restaurants and hotel information and much more.
TSNN also has a U.S. Trade Show Venue Directory, with more than 400 exhibit halls, convention centers and other facilities with exhibit space listed - http://venuedirectory.tsnn.com/.
If your venue is not on the list and you would like to have it added or if you are an existing venue or a planner and find information that needs to be updated, please contact venuedirectory@tsnn.com.
If you are interested in a featured listing or advertising, please contact Sam Shuster SShuster@tsnn.com.
The TSNN Global Trade Show Venue Directory was designed by Fantail Consulting & Technologies - http://www.fantailtech.com.

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